
Chapter 12: This Girl

Jason Chapter 12: This Girl   OK, time out. Holy shit, that was tiring. After all that fantasy crap, I think now might be a good time to talk about something a bit more grounded toward reality. To be more specific, I'll be talking about my crush/friend (well, I guess we don't even really have a choice but to listen. I mean, it's not like the readers can choose what to read in this book. Unless they skip the chapter altogether, that is. Anyway, carry on). So first things first: let's talk about HOW the fuck I met my crush/friend. I first met her during the induction programme into my new school. Back in those days, I wasn't ready to enter a new school, mainly because the school I used to go to was so much better (both in terms of sociability and academic expectations). Just so you can get a clue of how fucking difficult it was for me to adapt to a new school, below is a table showing the differences between my old and new school (at first glance). SOMEHOW PU

Chapter 11: Black Magic

McKellen Chapter 11: Black Magic “Keep it together, men, KEEP IT TOGETHER!” an American commander yelled over the sounds of an intense battle. Bolts of corrupted arcane magic were flying through the air, turning the sky of the battlefield into a colorful (and at the same time fucked up) fireworks show. I was looking at the battle through the eyes of an American War Party (AWP) soldier, who was part of a squadron that had been tasked with clearing the Plavok Treasure Vault on this psycho-ridden moon. We've been laying siege on this vault for two days now, and the only results that we've been getting out of our fruitless (yet constant) attacks were a) the ungodly wrath of a legion consisting of a few hundred crazed cultists and b) the loss of two squads of well-trained men at the hands of said cultists. The leaders of both the American War Party AND the American Explorers' Organization have been watching the battle unfold through the eyes of a soldier's visor from th

Chapter 10: Hey, Soul SIster

Chapter 10: Hey, Soul Sister             The trip to Da Wilson Starport didn't take long; I had planned my house on Priroda Moon to be as close to a starport as possible (while still being a comfortable place to live in during the rare moments that I'm not staying at a temporary home on some moon in the Nebo System) ever since the day I decided to live on this populated place, and the starport was only a few blocks away from my house ( hey, “a few blocks” is the closest you can get to “close” when it comes to selecting a house in a place like Priroda Moon. In fact, Aurelia is lucky enough to have her home in the location it is right now; most Prirodans who want a home near a starport rarely get what they wish for. Worst comes to worst, these hopeful humans end up living in some really crappy places, such as a rented, cramped and not to mention heavily damaged apartment room. Sound like anyone you know? ).             Normally, I would take a taxi or a tram to the starport

Chapter 9: Know The Enemy

Aurelia Chapter 9: Know The Enemy         At four o'clock in the morning,My phone unleashed a scathingly loud reminder that it was time to start a new day in the form of a deafening alarm. It's astonishing how after all these decades, humans STILL haven't found a way to combat the sickening symptoms of sleep deprivation or even better, figure out a scientifically proven method to awaken someone without requiring violent noise or anything that involves a rude awakening, if possible. I know several dudes who get really, REALLY cranky when they wake up, and a few of these dudes happen to be friends of mine. Jeez, no wonder the aliens are so much better than us at this kind of stuff.         However, waking up is necessary to kickstart my important morning ritual before I go to work. Speaking of work, I just got...removed from my job yesterday ( for clarity's sake, I think “fired” would be a more fitting word for the occasion. Just sayin' ). Fortunately, I ha